Thursday, February 07, 2008

Illustration Movie Nights! More and more!

This Friday at 6pm we have Raging Bull (in B124, just beside Tim Hortens). If you haven't seen it, and you enjoy anything that DeNiro has ever done then this is something you should see. Julia has also hooked me up with a list of tentative movies in no particular order:
*Alfred Hitchcock's Rear Window
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
*Ridley Scott's Blade Runner or Alien (haven't decided yet...)
*In the Realms of the Unreal - A documentary on Henry Darger, visionary artist, janitor, and novelist.
*Helvetica - A documentary about typography, graphic design, and global visual culture.
*All About Eve - a fantastic Bette Davis film
Billy Wilder's Sunset Boulevard

This looks like a pretty solid list of movies covering pretty much every movie taste out there. And if nothing else you should check out Helvetica, I've heard so much positive reviews on the movie that I wouldn't pass it up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Raging Bull's my favorite De Niro movie. I also love Deer Hunter as well.